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Quick Scan

Perform a quick scan to find out how well you are prepared to face today’s most important business challenges!

The IT Excellence scan gives you a  360 ° view of the maturity of your IT organization. On the basis of an improvement plan, you can make ICT better available to the business. In this way, the IT department is ready for the new business challenges.


How customer centric are you? This survey helps you to find-out how well you are doing satisfying your customer.  

How digital are you? Are you ready to cope with the Digital Challenges? Time to market, Customer Experience? This scan gives you a 360° view of where you are at and how to get where you want to be. 

Digital Security System

This scans helps you plot your course to acheive higher levels of maturity for your organization. It covers 6 domains and it offers you a view on how you are perfoming now in comparison to the rest of your sector and what you can do to improve and attain your goals.

Business Excellence
In Partnership with Sustacon

The Business Excellence scan gives you a complete picture of the maturity of processes and internal and external service levels in your organization and is the starting point of a process towards business excellence.
It makes you a happy company with satisfied and committed employees and customers

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