Our Capabilities

How do we work?

A project is defined as an effort to create or modify a specific service. Projects are temporary work efforts with a clear beginning and end. Projects can be completely contained within a specific unit or department or include other organizations and vendors. Xedis takes the lead based on best practices.

Xedis can take on the mission to find the suitable candidate that fits your needs. Organizations may draw upon the services of management consultants for a number of reasons, including gaining external advice and access to the consultants’ specialized expertise (= knowledge + experience).

Our Solutions
ESM is the set of management practices around the delivery of business services, with the objective of providing added value to customers, in order to meet their expectations.
ESM is an approach to address your business challenges with the final goal of increasing customer satisfaction.
With ESM, we take the customer expectations as a starting point and then optimize the service delivery around products and solutions.
We offer:
Reduced "Cost of non-Quality"
Business Agility
Higher Customer Experience and Net Promotor Score (NPS)
Committed Service Levels
Service Offerings Transparency
Controlled Outsourcing

Xedis has developed a proprietary methodology encompassing the selection phase and the complete outsourcing lifecycle including Transition and Governance and ultimately the Close Down phase.
Xedis has access to Whitelane Research. Xedis also covers the important soft factors such as cultural fit and of the customer relationship.
We offer:
An understandable and complete management-kit (with process-maps, templates and practical advise) in order for you to start with outsourcing.
Topics covered:
Strategic decision
Outsourcing / co-sourcing / near-sourcing / cloud-sourcing
How to start ​
Who are the Service Providers?
How to manage What to outsource?
Outsourcing and Insourcing?​
How to insource again?

Digital Technologies such as cloud, mobile, social and big data are rapidly changing business models. Open innovation, customer co-creation and agile techniques are re-defining how solutions are deployed and the speed at which new solutions get to market.
A successful digital transformation requires a cohesive digital strategy that addresses technology and process transformation combined with supporting governance and delivery models. Lack of a coherent digital strategy causes organizations to adopt point solutions which drive up cost, create complexity and performance.
We offer:
A dedicated Project management team
An end-to-end approach
A bridge between business and IT
Seamless integration
A disciplined approach at all levels of the organization
Capabilities Details

Operations Management for Business Technology

Service Management

Portfolio, Program & Project Management