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Surviving the future of IT, a 10 Episode Story

Tom Bynens

In the past, IT's main goal was to support business by efficiently managing systems, improving service levels to users and driving costs out of operations. This changed gradually and the scope of the information technology organization has widened.

Nowadays, IT is increasingly more responsible for the business-adding value by developing:

• flexible capabilities to support growth;

• automating business processes;

• facilitating mergers and acquisitions.

In this new constellation success is measured by the extent to which IT can effectively help business to seize new opportunities and to respond to new challenges.

Virtually every industry is subject to change in our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world and therefore in need of innovation. But for many industries innovation has become a matter of survival. These industries need to rethink their value proposition and business model continuously. In these industries, IT can drive business innovation and help to deliver value through new products or services. This is what we call Business Technology.

Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are increasingly expected to innovate and adopt new technologies to maintain or grow market share, reduce business costs and drive business profitability. With an expanded set of goals, CIOs face the difficult task to balance efficiency, effectiveness and innovation with the goal to achieve Business-Technology (BT) Harmonization.


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